Песма „Glorious” у извођењу Генерацијe у успону у Европи („”избриши)
Будите надахнути да испуњавате налог #ИдитеИЧинитеДобро слушањем дивног извођења песме „Glorious” младих из целе Европе.
Међународнo признатa певачица норвешког порекла, Сисел, извелa је музичку нумеру „Slow Downˮ аутора Чака Џерарда и у аранжману Сема Кардона, на концерту за Дан пионира 2019.
Enjoy this beautiful song and dance collaboration by missionaries from the Sweden Stockholm Mission!
A whole mission joins for singing together through an online conference tool.
Two sister missionaries sing their own song about hope.
In a time where many feel vulnerability and turbulence, missionaries from around the world testify of where peace can be found.
In a world filled with confusion, missionaries across Europe unite to commemorate the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in 19 languages.
Missionaries unite to sing a song together online.
Sister missionaries sing a traditional French hymn.
Missionaries keep their spirits up during the lock-down through music.
An elder sings a Polish rendition of 'I Know That My Redeemer Lives'.
An Elder shares his testimony through song.